“Women in the lead”: How women can effect change, navigating Saskatchewan’s political labyrinth

In the late afternoon, last Wednesday, October 4th, a group of about 60+ women (and, at last count, two men) gathered to combine both roundtable and a panel discussions on how change can come to Saskatchewan, through our political and cultural leaders.

Event co-sponsors, Business & Professional Women (BPW), equal voice, and the Saskatoon Chamber of Commerce,  invited eight women trailblazers in our province to discuss their life and career experiences, leadership strategies and sources of inspiration with an audience of career professionals. The audience included lawyers, entrepreneurs, educators, doctors and other medical practitioners, to name a few. 

Invited speakers were Claire Card, Vicki Mowat, Tracy Muggli, Lenore Swystun, Tiffany Paulsen, Bev Dubois, Colleen Young and Pat Atkinson.

If much needed change is to come to political and other institutions in Saskatchewan, then we need to grow the number of women (comprising 50.3% of our population) who lead, strategize and support difference in our communities: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” (Margaret Mead)