On “YXE Underground”: Meet a Supporter of our City’s Minorities–Haven Seto


Those of us who love to learn  about “off-the-beaten-track” ideas and people tend to love podcasts. And among local podcasts, I particularly enjoy “YXE Underground,” from communications specialist (and former CBC journalist), Eric Anderson.

YXE Underground shares the stories of “people who are flying under the radar but still making a difference in Saskatoon.”

As a teacher of English as a Second Language, I often teach and tutor newcomers (new and economic immigrants) who are striving to  integrate into our community.  So I was especially delighted to hear Eric’s episode on  Haven Seto–a first generation Canadian who directs the employment programs at Saskatchewan Intercultural Association (SIA).  In that work, Haven helps new immigrants and Indigenous people find “meaningful employment” in the city. He has been a “servant leader” among us, since 1964.

He also mentors young athletes through the Chinese Martial Arts Academy, creating community leaders for tomorrow.

But until Eric’s podcast, I had not met Haven. Have you? Take a listen!
